Tuesday, October 24, 2017

How to use TOAD for Hadoop

application logs located in:

C:\Users\*user*\AppData\Roaming\Dell\Toad for Apache Hadoop\*version*\log 
C:\Users\*user*\AppData\Roaming\Dell\Toad for Apache Hadoop\*version*\.metadata\.log

1. To connect to Hive via Knox
Hostname: Knoxhost
port 8443
Transport Mode: HTTP
HTTP path: gateway/default/hive

For SSL configuration, check enable SSL.
If you have self created certificate, specify keystore and password

You must input usrname password for LDAP authentication.

2. To connect to Kerberized Hive
check "Enable Kerberos Security" in the Ecosystem Configuration
Type in password, REAM and KDC Host,
Click "check Credentials" 

3. To EMR
nothing special
just use JDBC instead of JDBC HA or JDBC connection String.

4. Manual configuration for JDBC connection String with Knox. (one line)
