Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Introduction to Amazon Redshift

This lab provides a basic understanding of Amazon Redshift. It demonstrates the basic steps required to get started with Redshift including:

·                                 Creating a Redshift cluster

·                                 Loading data into a Redshift cluster

·                                 Performing queries against the data in cluster

Topics covered

By the end of this lab you will be able to:

·                                 Launch a Redshift cluster

·                                 Connect an SQL client to the Amazon Redshift cluster

·                                 Load data from an S3 bucket into the Amazon Redshift cluster

·                                 Run queries against data stored in Amazon Redshift

Amazon Redshift

Amazon Redshift is a fast, fully managed data warehouse that makes it simple and cost-effective to analyze all your data using standard SQL and your existing Business Intelligence (BI) tools.

Amazon S3

Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) makes it simple and practical to collect, store, and analyze data - regardless of format - all at massive scale. S3 is object storage built to store and retrieve any amount of data from anywhere - web sites and mobile apps, corporate applications, and data from IoT sensors.

Familiarity with relational databases and SQL concepts would be beneficial.

Task 1: Launch an Amazon Redshift Cluster

In this task, you will launch an Amazon Redshift cluster. A cluster is a fully managed data warehouse that consists of a set of compute nodes. Each cluster runs an Amazon Redshift engine and contains one or more databases.

When you launch a cluster, one of the options you specify is the node type. The node type determines the CPU, RAM, storage capacity, and storage drive type for each node. Node types are available in different sizes. Node size and the number of nodes determine the total storage for a cluster.

  1. In the AWS Management Console, on the Services menu, click Amazon Redshift.

 You can also type in the search box to select the AWS Service (eg Redshift) that you wish to use.

  1. Click Launch cluster to open the Redshift Cluster Creation Wizard.
  2. At the CLUSTER DETAILS page enter the following information:

·                                 Cluster identifier

·                                 Database name

·                                 Master user name

·                                 Master user password

·                                 Confirm password

  1. Click Continue.

The NODE CONFIGURATION page is displayed. This is where you can select the Node type and the number of nodes in your cluster. For this lab, you will be using the default configuration of a single-node cluster.



If change to multiple node, require at least 2 compute nodes.


  1. Click Continue.

The ADDITIONAL CONFIGURATION page will be displayed. This is where you can configure cluster settings to control encryption, security and networking.

if change the encryption key.


  1. For Choose a VPC, select the other VPC (not the Default VPC).
  2. For VPC security groups, select the Security Group that contains the words RedshiftSG. It will look something like: qls-12345-xxx-RedshiftSG-xxx
  3. For Available roles and select the role that begins with qls-.

This role grants permission for Amazon Redshift to read data from Amazon S3.

  1. Leave all other settings at their default value and click Continue.

The REVIEW page displays information about the cluster that you are about to launch.

 You may ignore the warning about the free trial.

  1. Click Launch cluster at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Click Close.

 The cluster will take a few minutes to launch. Please continue with the labs steps. There is no need to wait.

  1. Click the name of your cluster (lab).

The cluster configuration will be displayed. Spend a few minutes looking at the properties, but do not click any links.

·                                 Cluster Properties: Contains information about the Cluster including: Name, Type, Node Type, number of Nodes, Zone location, Time and version of the creation as well as other information.

·                                 Cluster Status: Allows you to see the current status of the cluster whether it is available or not and also whether it is currently In Maintenance Mode.

·                                 Cluster Database Properties: Contains information on the Endpoint, which is the DNS address of the cluster, and the port number on which the database accepts connections. These are required when you want to create SQL connections. It also lets you know whether the cluster has a public IP address that can be accessed from the public internet. The JDBC URL and ODBC URL contain the URLs to connect to the cluster via a java database connection or an Oracle database connection client.
Endpoint ( authorized ) 

·                                 Backup, Audit Logging and Maintenance: Contains information on how many days the automated snapshots are retained, whether they are automatically copied to another region, and whether logging is enabled on the cluster.

·                                 Capacity Details: Contains information about the data warehouse node type, number of EC2 Compute Units per node, memory, disk storage, I/O performance as well as the processor architecture of the node type.

·                                 SSH Ingestion Settings: Contains information about the Public Key of the cluster as well as the Public and Private IP addresses of the node.

Task 2: Launch Pgweb to Communicate with your Redshift Cluster

Amazon Redshift can be used via industry-standard SQL. To use Redshift, you require an SQL Client that provides a user interface to type SQL. Any SQL client that supports JDBC or ODBC can be used with Redshift.

For this lab, you will use a web application called Pgweb, which provides a friendly SQL interface to Redshift. The application is written for PostgreSQL, which is why it is called Pgweb. The SQL used in Amazon Redshift is based upon PostgreSQL.

  1. To the left of the instructions you are currently reading, below the Open Console button, copy the IP Address shown as pgwebPublicIP.

 The blue button will also copy values shown in this side panel.

  1. Open a new tab in your web browser, paste the IP Address and hit Enter.

You will be presented with a login page for pgweb:
Endpoint ( authorized ) 

Note: default is 5432, change it to 5439!

  1. Return to your browser tab showing the Redshift console.
  2. Click the Endpoint displayed at the top of the window and Copy it to your clipboard. It will be similar to:

 If the endpoint is not yet displayed, it is because your cluster is still being created. Wait a minute and click the  refresh icon until the Endpoint appears.

  1. Return to the web browser tab with pgweb.
  2. Enter the following information:

·                                 Host: Paste the Endpoint that you copied, but remove  from the end

·                                 Username

·                                 Password

·                                 Database

·                                 Port (Note, this is different to the default)

  1. Click Connect.

 If you receive a too many colons error, double-check your Host. You will need to remove  from the end of the Host name.

Pgweb will connect to your Amazon Redshift database. If you are not able to connect to the database, double-check the above parameters.

Task 3: Create a Table

In this task, you will execute SQL commands to create a table in Redshift.

  1. Copy this SQL command and Paste it into Pgweb.



 username CHAR(8),

 firstname VARCHAR(30),

 lastname VARCHAR(30),

 city VARCHAR(30),

 state CHAR(2),

 email VARCHAR(100),

 phone CHAR(14),

 likesports BOOLEAN,

 liketheatre BOOLEAN,

 likeconcerts BOOLEAN,

 likejazz BOOLEAN,

 likeclassical BOOLEAN,

 likeopera BOOLEAN,

 likerock BOOLEAN,

 likevegas BOOLEAN,

 likebroadway BOOLEAN,

 likemusicals BOOLEAN


This command will create a table called users. It contains name, address and details about the type of music that the user likes.

  1. Click the Run Query button to execute the SQL script.

In the left navigation pane, below Tables, you should now see a users table.
 You may ignore the 
No records found message because no records were queried.

  1. Click on the users table, then click the Structure tab.

The structure of the table is displayed:

Task 4: Load Sample Data from Amazon S3

Amazon Redshift can import data from Amazon S3. Various file formats are supported, fixed-length fields, comma-separated values (CSV) and custom delimiters. The data for this lab is pipe-separated (|).

  1. In Pgweb, click the SQL Query tab at the top of the window.
  2. Delete the existing query, then Copy this SQL command and Paste it into Pgweb:

COPY users FROM 's3://awssampledbuswest2/tickit/allusers_pipe.txt'



Before running this command, you will need to insert the ROLE that Redshift will use to access Amazon S3.
COPY users FROM 's3://awssampledbuswest2/tickit/allusers_pipe.txt'

CREDENTIALS 'aws_iam_role=arn:aws:iam::557653742807:role/qls-1848056-f22f1d2579629cc6-RedshiftRole-1UEBS06ETOXBE'


  1. To the left of the instructions you are currently reading, below the Open Console button, copy Role. It will start with: arn:aws:iam::
  2. Paste the Role into your Pgweb query, replacing the text YOUR-ROLE.

This 2nd line should now look like: CREDENTIALS 'aws_iam_role=arn:aws:iam...'

  1. Click the Run Query button to execute the SQL script.

The command will take approximately 10 seconds to load 49,990 rows of data.

  1. Click the users table and then click the Rows tab.

You should now see the data that was loaded into Redshift.

Task 5: Query Data

Now that you have data in your Redshift database you can query the data using SQL select statements and queries. If you are familiar with SQL, feel free to try additional commands to query the data.

  1. Return to the SQL Query tab.
  2. Delete the existing query.
  3. Copy and paste this query, then click Run Query:


This query returns the number of rows in the users table.

  1. Delete the existing query.
  2. Copy and paste this query, then click Run Query:

SELECT userid, firstname, lastname, city, state

FROM users

WHERE likesports AND NOT likeopera AND state = 'OH'

ORDER BY firstname;

This query displays users in Ohio (OH) who like sports but do not like opera. The list is sorted by their first name.

  1. Delete the existing query.
  2. Copy and paste this query, then click Run Query:



  COUNT(*) as count

FROM users

WHERE likejazz




This query shows the Top 10 cities where Jazz-loving users live.

Try to write a query that only displays the firstname and lastname of users who like both Theatre and Classical music, where their last name is Smith.

select firstname, lastname

from users

where liketheatre and likeclassical and lastname='Smith';


Create snapshot







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